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Pocket Coaching

Get business & mindset support to move forward fast
Move past blocks, get clarity & create new habits

Powerful. Impactful. No-brainer.

How would you feel if you had the support and empowerment you need to:

  • navigate through the ups-and-downs of your personal journey as a human AND business owner for more balance & flow

  • process thoughts and emotions without staying or stuck, with someone to help you "heartstorm" ("brainstorm and create from the heart space" - I made that word up ;-) )

  • reach out anytime you feel overwhelmed, have a moment of stress, anxious thoughts or a mindset block so you can shift back into a place of power and peace and keep moving forward.

  • learn how to get in a safe space within yourself where your mind is quiet so you can have mental clarity and make decisions with ease

  • learn to trust your inner guidance

  • get support for your business and answers to your burning questions

You'll have yours truly in your back pocket anytime you need to achieve any of that.

"Past me" would have definitely needed someone like "now me" to achieve all of that... So I became exactly who I would have needed to be to help you accelerate your journey - don't have to struggle or do it alone :)

What my clients are saying about pocket coaching:

"Every time I interact with you I grow mentally, emotionally or spiritually"

"I am feeling grateful for you helping me along. It is rare to find teachers like you"

"You've helped me live big moments in life that made me feel confused and anxious. You brought clarity and reassurance that everything is going to be okay"

"Everyone needs a Morgane in their pocket"

"Great support, very professional"

"Thanks so much for all the help and support this month, we've done a lot, and you've helped me overcome big obstacles"

Why Pocket Coaching is effective

  • You get empowerment and support to change your thought patterns and transform your habits to support your vision

  • Get laser-focused to achieve your personal and business goals (without distractions or detours)

  • Learn how to identify patterns, shift your perspective in real time to break free and move forward

  • Get copywriting support and feedback on your content and/or website

  • This type of mentorship is a no-brainer yet very powerful and impactful to create deep and durable transformation!

  • You get daily interactions, coaching-on-the-go, journal prompts, exercises to calm your mind as needed (no live calls)

  • If you need accountabilitymotivation and upliftment, I'll be right here in your pocket! Reach out any time you need!

Pocket Coaching Details

For any options, here's what you get:

  • Ask any burning questions you have about your personal and spiritual development, mindset and copywriting.

  • Share ideas and projects to get feedback and intuitive guidance as well as tools to move past resistance

  • Leave messages whenever it suits you and I get back to you during office hours - happy to adjust according to time difference so you get the equivalent of a full day and all your questions answered

  • Support via private messages on Telegram - texts and voice notes

  • You get to choose which duration you want according to your needs

1 day
  • approx 6 to 7 exchanges
    (happy to adjust according to time difference so you get a full working day of support)

  • Support via private messages on Telegram - texts and voice notes

  • Investment: 77 Euros

1 month
  • 4 weeks of private message support via Telegram, daily interactions Monday-Friday, text and voice notes

  • Ask any burning questions and get support to move past mindset "blocks", resistance and any copywriting review & feedback.

  • Investment: 397 Euros

What happens next?

  • After confirming your order by proceeding to payment, you will receive a confirmation and we will get you started at your desired date, without delay!

  • Cancellation and refund policy:
    When this month of pocket coaching starts within the 14 days that follow your payment, it is considered that you renounce to your right of withdrawal as stated in the Terms and Conditions and by the Law.

Contact me for any questions

I'm looking forward to empowering you to step into your next level of embodied self-leadership!


Your new personal development bestie & success mindset partner

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