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Magnetic Copy Makeover

  • Stand out as an expert and attract ideal clients (authentically & with integrity)

  • Double your sales page conversion rate

  • Create your next 2 high-ticket clients in the next 3 weeks or less

Break Through 5-8k/Month to 6-Figure Years!

Refine your offer & message

Tell me if this sounds like you:​

  • You're a coach, consultant, therapist, course creator, or artist selling the invisible

  • You want to articulate the transformation and results you bring to the table in a clear, specific and tangible way so that your people know what they will get from working with you as soon as they land in your world.

  • You're stuck around 5k per month and want to scale up to 100k per year without doing more of "all the things", instead you want your copy to double your sales page conversion rate so your website can work for you while you serve your clients or live life (even while you sleep!)

  • You want to elevate your message so that your ideal leads become pre-sold within minutes of reading your content (vs days, months or weeks) without having to create more content or posting 3 times a day
    (because let's be honest, you're self-employed, NOT working - or volunteering - for Instagram and their friends...)


  • You're tired of sales calls that lead to little conversions - or worse... no-shows (complete waste of time! 😱). Instead you want your copy to attract YOUR people and repel those who don't vibe with you...

  • You've invested in learning all the strategies under the sun with different coaches but haven't yet seen the results you KNOW you can achieve - the "coach surfing" and "shiny strategy syndrome" stops here!

  • You've tried ads but saw little results (because you were fixing the "wrong problem")

  • You want to bring in more clients with more ease and simplicity than ever before


Now, nmagine transforming your sales page and social media into a client magnet that works for you 24/7, bringing in high-quality leads while you focus on your clients or enjoy your free time. Sounds juicy, right?

If you nodded yes, you're in the right place! 😃

This ☝️ is exactly what my Magnetic Copy Makeover is designed to help you with!

​Together, let's craft a killer copy that:

  • clearly expresses who you help and what you do so you can attract the right audience - YOUR high-calibre Tribe ! (no more wasting time with no-shows or people who aren't ready to commit)

  • positions you as the go-to expert by showcasing the incredible transformations you bring to the table so your leads know immediately why YOU are the one who will get them results!

  • is clear, specific and potent, with tangible results (yes, even if you provide intangible transformation!) making it a no-brainer for your clients to see exactly why they should work with you and want to hire you "yesterday"
    Imagine scheduling posts or pressing "publish page" and trusting!!! What a heavy weight lifted off your shoulders!

  • doubles your conversion rate so you can spend more time with your clients than doing marketing
    (seriously! your nervous system will thank you!)

  • sets solid attraction marketing foundations so you can create content that does the heavy lifting and pre-sells your offers for you while you live life and make beautiful memories with your loved ones (pets count too!)

Let's use words to convert prospects into clients so you're abundantly paid for sharing your genius with the world without spending countless hours on social media!

This service is designed to help you achieve all of the above ☝️ by:

Capturing your standout factor

We'll translate your unique strengths, values and gifts into words so you can stand out as an expert in your industry, making you irresistibly attractive to your target audience - with integrity and authenticity!

Clear and specific results to show how you help your ideal clients

We'll review your target audience and the results you deliver to bridge any gap and ensure consistency and clarity so your offers are a no-brainer for your ideal clients who'll be like "OMG! YES!" *grabs credit card*

Setting solid attraction marketing foundations

You'll have a content bank so creating content that converts becomes a no-brainer - no need to spend hours looking for inspiration. Your time is precious, let words do the heavy-lifting for you!

We do this through my unique and proven Framework that works both for copy and mindset:
my 4-step R.O.S.E. Framework©

🌹 R for Review


We review your content, sales page and overall process to bridge gaps and make your messaging consistent.

🌹 O for Optimise

We observe, outline and optimise your content and mindset (+ your overall business strategy, during the program)

🌹 S for Simplify


We simplify and specify your message so you stand out as a no-brainer choice for your clients.

🌹 E for Elevate

We elevate your message and sales page to attract more clients and expand your business.

This is for you if:

  • you're a coach, therapist, consultant or course creator who delivers personal transformations / "intangible" results or an artist who want to express the value of your intangible art

  • you already have an offer (or at least an idea) you're passionate about and you want to refine it so it sells effortlessly

  • you're an action taker and need a solution to elevate your copy with a no-fluff (yet benevolent!) feedback

  • You're open to receiving suggestions that I might bring, even if it means going out of your comfort zone and changing your approach to marketing

Megan - Healing Facilitator

"She showed me a different approach that feels authentic and empowering, allowing me to market in a way that aligns with my values.

Thanks to her guidance, I've gained skills that not only will take my business to the next level but have also transformed my relationship with it.

I highly recommend Morgane for anyone looking to embrace marketing in a positive, genuine way."

Miss A - Spiritual Mentor

Before working with Morgane I lacked clarity around my messaging and felt stuck and uninspired.

I had the biggest problem putting the intangible into words but with her I learned how in a way that makes sense, is clear and inspires without watering things down or sounding too 'spiritual'. She really helped me to find joy again in creating content and showing up on social media.

Whenever I had a question or doubt, she took the time to give her tips and ideas, I felt really supported. I can highly recommend working with her!



done-with-you copywriting
  • 1 x 90 minutes of copywriting coaching via Zoom​ for one offer + overall messaging.

  • The session will be recorded, no need to take notes (you'll receive it shortly after our call)

  • 2 weeks of support via Google Doc: you can send me your reviewed copy as well as any content you'll be creating to get a detailed feedback with suggestions and explanations if needed (no superficial remarks - we go all in!)

  • 347 euros

6-figure Accelerator
3 months to skyrocket your business
  • 10 x 1-hour 1:1 sessions via Zoom

  • Mindset coaching & subconscious rewiring to expand your capacity to receive more in a nervous-system-friendly way so you can feel maintain durable success

  • Stand out in your industry & generate leads on repeat with a simple system, by being yourself (that's how you attract your Tribe!) without working more

  • Create / upgrade a no-brainer offer suite with irresistible services that don't compete with one another

  • Create content with ease, without overthinking and learn to repurpose your content to it pre-sells your offers for you 

  • Optimized website copy: Get expertly crafted copy that resonates with your target audience, boosts your online presence and doubles your conversion rates

  • Unlimited support Mon-Fri via Telegram for implementation, accountability, limiting belief shifting and review (and when I say "review", I mean tweaks with explanations and suggestions, not just "superficial remarks")

  • 2100 euros or 3 x 700 euros

Testimonials Mindset

Magnetic Copy Makeover - FAQ

- What's the enrolment process, basically what happens after I pay for a single session or apply​ for the 3-month program? Single session: After confirming your order by proceeding to payment, you will receive an automated confirmation email;​ the Zoom link will be in the email confirmation, I'll see you on Zoom at your chosen date 3-month program: After submitting your application (via Google Form), you'll hear from me within the next 12 hours max and we will tackle formalities together

- What method are you using during the live calls for the subconscious rewiring in the 3-month program? My unique method called E.A.S.E. (Energy Alignment for Success and Empowerment) that I have developed with my 15+ years of experience. We bring shifts of perspective and healing as you release silent burdens - you will NOT re-experience traumas, you'll be 100% conscious and aware the whole time and we do this with joy! Side note: it is non intrusive and doesn't involve any New Age practice!!!

- What's the ROSE Framework you use? All of your sessions and the whole program are 100% tailored to your needs (because cookie-cutters belong in the kitchen, not in my type of work ;-)). However, I believe it's healthy to have a guideline. My Framework is called R.O.S.E. and I use it both for Mindset and Copywriting! It consists in 4 phases I take you through: - R for Review: you bring awareness and realization on what's (not) working - O for Optimising, once you have reviewed and observed, you can optimise your content and your way of thinking about your business. - S for Simplifying: you shift to a more specific and simple way of thinking and using words - E for Elevate: during that phase your message and mindset will be elevated for favor expansion.

- What platforms and tools are used? Zoom for the 1:1 calls; Telegram for daily support; Google Docs to tweak and exchange about your copy. Everything is free and there's a desktop version for Telegram that's also convenient!

- Cancellation and refund policy: When you book a session or start a program within the 14-day period that follows your payment, it is considered that you renounce to your right of withdrawal as stated in the Terms and Conditions and by the Law. When we work together, there's no additional contract to sign since my Terms and Conditions apply. There's no refund for the sessions that have already been consumed. However, if for some reason you had to stop the program, you would get a refund proportionally calculated for what has not been consumed yet.

Any questions that wasn't listed? Contact me, let's chat!

I'm looking forward to helping you attract your high-calibre ideal clients, converts and increase your income!!!

See you soon!


Refine your offer and messaging - AI-generated image
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