I'm like you, an, multi-passionate business owner who used to struggle with my messaging.
Ready for some story-time with Morgy? (Grab a drink, I'll wait 😌 mmkay!)
When I started my business (back in 2016), I started offering energy cleanses and energy healing services.
I knew how powerful it was and how it could help everyone in every area of life...
(Me: hello intangible result, what's your name?
Intangible results: "Figure it out! PS: you might want to pick a niche and believe in yourself first, then come back to us")
I had no idea about marketing, how to niche, how to talk about what I do...
My marketing strategy back then? “I do energy healing. It helps with everything you can think of and it can improve your life. And I'm also a coach, so that can help too.”
And I’m barely exaggerating (saying this with self-love towards baby-business-owner me!)
Also me to my friends: "I don't understand why I'm not booked out"... Because I was indeed "doing all the things"...
But here's the truth... (and I know you're nodding like "yep, same, sis, same")
I was afraid to sound pushy / sales-y or "only interested in money" (and I know you also want to work with integrity and honesty, you DO care about people's time and money).
I had a fear of missing out if I would niche down.
I had no clear messaging.
The results I was delivering were huge from day 1 of my Business, but I was holding back big time!
And yes, you guessed it, when I'd be asked what I do or what my business is about, I would start praying the "Deodorant God" not to give up on me, I was uncomfortable, afraid of sounding like I was bragging or of being judged.
I was playing small... And I know you do too!
And that, my friend, is not how it's supposed to be!
And I can help because I've been there myself!
It's time to break free!
It's time to stop undercharging!
It's time to value your time, position yourself as an authority to stop attracting freebie-seekers and increase your conversion rate!
(and yes, you can still over-give if you want, but from a place of overflow!)
Yes, it's time to be abundantly paid for your expertise and the value you deliver to your ideal clients!
You started a business because you wanted out of the matrix.
You wanted to be able to live the dream.
You wanted to impact your community and inspire your people to create ripple effects.
Your business is not a hobby, it's your way of earning a living with authenticity and integrity and it's time you felt legit.
I have completely transformed my business and I know how to help you do the same so that you too can onboard high-ticket clients and have consistent income!!!
Together, we will:
refine your target audience,
turn your intangible results into crystal-clear words and
position you as an authority so you can set solid attraction marketing foundations.
It's time to break through 5K per month and onboard clients consistently!
So what to do from here?
Check out my Magnetic Copy Makeover and if you have any questions, you can contact me any time!
Can't wait to connect with you!
Certified Copywriter & Conversion Copywriting Coach
Certified Coach in Personal Development, Life Purpose, Business & Entrepreneurship