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Mindset rewiring, Business mentoring & copywriting coaching

Elevate Your Impact Copywriting April 2024

Elevate your impact & Attract ideal clients

Tailored Copywriting, Mindset coaching & Business Mentoring to make 5K+ months your new normal!

Ready to scale without doing more of "all the things?"

You're a Coach, Consultant, Therapist, Course Creator, or Artist selling "the invisible" who's working on scaling and you want to:

  • confidently articulate the intangible results you provide to your clients (whether it is mental, emotional, spiritual and/or energetic transformations) in a clear and specific way that speaks to their desires - authentically and with integrity!

  • double your sales page conversion rate and take your content to the next level so it does the heavy-lifting for you, 

  • attract pre-qualified leads who actually show up on sales calls because they're already highly interested in working with you (an of course, repel those who aren't a good fit) thanks to your copy

  • stop struggling with content that doesn't convert nor brings people to your DMs, despite consistency and efforts and instead have fun creating content and feel fully behind every word - fearlessly

  • take your results from all the strategies you've learnt from your amazing previous coaches to the next level

  • Want to earn more without working harder, enrolling ideal clients effortlessly

    THIS PAGE IS CURRENTLY BEING UPDATED - the service is still available as such, same price but copywriters gotta work on their own copywriting, right? right! ;-)

  • Instead of feeling confused about your ideal client or uncertain about your pricing (which makes you over-give and undercharge, leading to resentment towards yourself or your biz), you have clarity about who your ideal clients are and how to price your offers.
    You feel aligned and therefore attract the right people - YOUR people - by speaking directly to them through clear and focused content that resonates.

  • Instead of questioning if you're legit and taking on unrealistic responsibility for your clients' results, you own your zone of genius (making you seen as an authority in your field), create healthy boundaries and feel fulfilled.

  • Instead of dealing with shame, confusion, or resistance when talking about your services (hey, impostor syndrome, is it you?), you speak confidently (without fear of judgment or that nagging voice in your head).
    You allow yourself to express your opinions and authentically share your ideas, which makes you stand out and be seen as a relatable expert in your field (buh-bye, impostor syndrome!)

  • Instead of having a limited money mindset (F.O.M.O., limiting beliefs...) and playing small, you've rewritten your money story and developed a prosperity mindset.
    You're ready and equipped for more opportunities because you've expanded your capacity to receive more.

When your way of promoting yourself isn't as effective as it could be, it's time to take a look at what's holding you back.
  • Maybe you're unsure how to write a sales page, website, or content that captures the value of what you provide and makes your audience think, "OMG, he/she gets me, that's exactly what I need!" *books a session*

  • Or maybe you're holding back in your copy and overall marketing, causing you to feel disconnected from your offer or frustrated with your sales page. As a result, your business growth and income are plateauing, leaving you feeling unfulfilled.

​Trust me, I've been there myself. That's why I can help you overcome these challenges through:​

  • Clearing Resistance:
    I'll help you identify and clear what's holding you back so you can confidently own your genius and talk about what you do (through deep and joyful 1:1 non-intrusive energy healing and subconscious rewiring).

  • Intuitive Copywriting:
    I'll capture your essence to write (or tweak) your copy so it truly sounds like you (by reading your energy and "translating" it into words).


  • Magnetic Messaging: Together, we'll improve your messaging and marketing so you become magnetic and attract your dream clients.

Words are powerful tools!

It's time to use potent words to authentically express how your genius can help your people.


Sharing your unique story and soul gifts is the key to making a real impact.


And what better way to harness the power of words than by clearing resistance and tapping directly into your Zone of Genius?


With my unique approach, you will communicate with clarity and confidence to attract the right clients to you.

Ready to transform your business?

Elevate your impact with mindset work and copywriting.png

When we team up, you will:

  • Pinpoint what makes you stand out in by tapping into your soul gifts & showcasing your unique abilities in your copy (website, content, offers...)

  • Create the impact you know you're here to make by clearing impostor syndrome
    (no more doubts, if they show up, you'll know how to shift them) 

  • Confidently articulate your offer to attract your aligned clients using simple and potent words that sounds like YOU

  • Authentically showcase the impactful results you deliver and create content straight from your soul to your ideal client (w/o overthinking), through intuitive copywriting so you can have your people DM you "OMG you get me, let's work together"

  • Feel legit and confidently master your skills through unshakeable self-belief, which is what makes you magnetic and seen as an authority.

  • Rewrite your money story and cultivate a prosperity mindset to build more success from the inside out, aligning you with your purpose (always with integrity)

"Wooo hoo Thanks so much! Amazing! I love all your suggestions! All aligns with me. You captured everything really well, and you know if I went to someone else to do copywriting I wonder if they would capture who I am... probably not!!!!

I am looking forward to implementing the changes. You summed me up well in my "about me"".

personal development coaching

"I had an amazing private session with Morgane. She is so gifted. My focus was to do some inner work to help me move through some blocks that were preventing me from moving forward with my goals. I got so much more than I thought I was going to get. Not only did we remove these blocks to help me perform more optimally, but we also removed 2 very big traumas, and some old limiting beliefs holding me back from sharing my gifts with those who are in need. If you are ever wondering about whether energy work may help, I highly recommend giving yourself the gift of time with Morgane."

Tap into your zone of genius and do what sets your soul on fire

Let's tap into your soul gifts and enhance your zone of genius so you can give yourself permission to do what truly sets your heart on fire!

Here are 2 ways to Elevate Your Impact


Focused Immersion VIP Day
to accelerate your results

This is for you if:

  • You're a coach, healing facilitator, course creator or artist who provides intangible transformation/results

  • You already have an offer that's brought you clients but you need to clarify and boost your page/offer/message


  • You have mindset "blocks" around "impostor syndrome" & self-confidence that you want to shift fast


You get:

  • 4 hours together via Zoom to:

    • clear mindset blocks & resistance hindering your business growth

    • craft, refine or clarify a powerful, resonant message for your service and build solid marketing/messaging foundations

  • 2 weeks of unlimited support Mon-Fri via Telegram for implementation of the changes we'll have brought to your copy, solidifying the mindset shifts and I'll also review your copy and content you'll be creating from your newly-built offer/page (and when I say "review", I mean tweaks with explanations and suggestions, not just "superficial remarks")

  • 1111 euros

  • Secure your spot now!

3-month Accelerator
Build success from the inside out & skyrocket your business

This is for you if:

  • You're a coach, healing facilitator, course creator or artist who provides intangible transformation/results

  • You either have an idea for a new offer/business and haven't build it yet,
    or already have an offer that's brought you a few clients but you need to clarify and boost your page/offer/message

  • You have unidentified mindset "blocks" making you spin your wheels in spite of working hard, but you're determined to shift these.

  • You have "money blocks" and want to rewrite your money story for a prosperity mindset.


You get:

  • 10 x 1-hour 1:1 sessions via Zoom for mindset rewiring & coaching to:

    • Clear impostor syndrome & align with your biz goals

    • Clear money "blocks" & rewrite your money story to cultivate a prosperity mindset.

  • Get crystal clear on your core message to stand out in your industry

  • Create an offer suite with services that don't compete with one another

  • Create content with ease by tapping into your intuition, w/o overthinking and learn to repurpose your content

  • DFY Optimized website copy:
    Get expertly crafted copy that resonates with your target audience and boosts your online presence.

  • Unlimited support Mon-Fri via Telegram for implementation of the changes we'll have brought to your copy, solidifying the mindset shifts and I'll also review your copy and content you'll be creating from your newly-built offer/page (and when I say "review", I mean tweaks with explanations and suggestions, not just "superficial remarks")

  • 2100 euros or 3 x 700 euros

What's next?

  • VIP day:
    After confirming your order by proceeding to payment, you will receive an automated confirmation email;
    the Zoom link will be in the email confirmation, I'll see you on Zoom at your chosen date

  • For the 3-month:
    After submitting your application (via Google Form), you'll hear from me within the next 12 hours max and we will tackle formalities together


  • You need help to simply tweak your existing message without sessions?

  • If you can't find a time that fits your time zone, please contact me
  • Any questions? Read the FAQ below or contact me here

Elevate Your Impact - FAQ

  • What method are you using during the live calls for the soul healing and subconscious rewiring?

    My unique method called E.A.S.E. (Energy Alignment for Success and Empowerment) that I have developed with my 15+ years of experience.

    We bring shifts of perspective and healing os you release silent burdens - you will NOT re-experience traumas, you'll be 100% conscious and aware the whole time and we do this with joy!

    Side note: it is non intrusive and doesn't involve any New Age practice!!!


  • During the 3-month program do you follow a specific strategy or framework?

    All of your sessions and the whole program are 100% tailored to your needs (because cookie-cutters belong in the kitchen, not in my type of work ;-))
    I believe that even if I follow intuition and work with your energy and your guidance, it's healthy to have a guideline.
    My Framework is called R.O.S.E. and it stands for Realisation, Observation, Shift, Expansion - 4 phases I take you through for durable results.


  • What platforms and tools are used?

    Zoom for the 1:1 calls; Telegram for daily support; Google Docs to tweak and exchange about your copy.


  • Cancellation and refund policy:

    When you book a session or start a program within the 14-day period that follows your payment, it is considered that you renounce to your right of withdrawal as stated in the Terms and Conditions and by the Law.

    Are we tied by a contract? No... Contracts are not bad, but it's important to work on the basis of trust... Trusting each other to show up and do our best so that everyone is fulfilled.
    There is no refund for the sessions that have already been consumed. 
    However, if for some reason you had to stop the program, you would get a refund proportionally calculated for what has not been consumed yet. Your money won't be made hostage ;-)


  • Any questions that wasn't listed? Contact me, let's chat!

I'm looking forward to assisting you in elevating your message, mastering your mindset and skyrocketing your business!

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